Retirement Planning

Having Trouble With Your Finances? Wondering Which is The Best Pension?
Unsure Where or How To Invest Your Money?

With Tax Laws & Finances becoming ever more complicated, there has never been a better time to choose Money@IFA to help you plan your future.

Wealth Management


We can look at what types of savings and investments are suitable for achieving your investment goals.
A financial adviser can advise you on where to grow your money.

Retirement Planning


Do you need a better grasp of where tax is eroding your income and savings?
We can look at boosting your finances with some careful tax planning.

Independent Savings & Investment Advice
Specialist in Pensions and Retirement Planning

You have found us because you are looking for uncomplicated and sound financial advice. We are professional, qualified independent financial advisers (IFAs). Money@IFA are authorised to deal with many forms of financial service products. We specialise in giving advice to clients on a wide range of financial matters to assist with personal financial planning.
We listen to your requirements and offer clear, impartial advice on the most appropriate financial products for your personal circumstances. Money@IFA Limited look forward to meeting you and being of service to you.
Meanwhile please accept our thanks for taking the time to visit our website, Regards, Simon Griffin DipPFS

Call me today on 01274 751224

Pensions and Retirement

Do you have pensions that have been accruing over the years, but no planned investment or income strategy - can you afford to retire and still have a good standard of living?

Manage Investments

Is your income your priority. Do you want to make sure your investments are generating as much as possible? Do you need your investments and income keep up with inflation?

Tax Planning

You may need help with an effective estate planning strategy, one that enables me to pass on your wealth to the people you care about and minimise the amount of tax you pay?

Wealth Management

We can assist you in forecasting your long term needs so you can pass on your remaining wealth to your family whilst at the same time leaving provision for yourself and your retirement.